Deanna Windham, D.O.

Dr. Windham has over 20 years’ experience in providing integrative medical care to patients. She is recognized nationally as a vibrant and eloquent speaker to large and small audiences as well as to inquisitive patients and family members who want more information about the unique approach of integrative medicine. Her patients know her as a compassionate physician who can make complicated medical processes understandable and help them to see what the cause of their disease and discomfort is and what they can do to resolve or improve it. She has established treatment models with proven success in patient outcomes. This, as well as contacts all over the country and in England, make her uniquely qualified as an integrative practitioner and health management guide. She is a recognized expert in the field of the integrative approach to autoimmune and chronic debilitating diseases with her next pending book, titled “Hacking Autoimmune Disease”, due to be available soon.

Volunteer work and a new appearance:

  • I volunteer as a medical consultant for LDN Research Trust and donate my time to educating people about Low Dose Naltrexone and it’s many benefits and uses. I am a featured speaker at the June 2021 conference.
  • I also donate my time as the lead medical director for Archangel Raphael Medical Ministries in Southern California.

Integrative Medicine approach to Chronic Disease

Our current medical system was not set up to deal with chronic disease states but rather was centered around the one cause, one treatment protocol established in the early 1900’s. This worked very well for the diseases of the day which were primarily infectious in nature. But while amazing advances have been made in the interventional treatment of chronic diseases such as heart disease, as a whole, the medical community is still lacking in maintenance and prevention of these and other disease processes.

Integrative medicine takes a whole body approach to health and disease management, often specializing in chronic disease states because this is where integrative medicine shines, and where people have the most struggles because traditional western medicine is most deficient.

Chronic diseases are those that last more than a year, require ongoing medical treatment and limit daily activities about us and are the leading cause of debility in our country. With an integrative medical approach, we work to identify the underlying causes that trigger the disease state and stabilize them while working to undo the damage and reverse the biochemical imbalances that characterize the disease. This approach has been shown in research to provide sometimes astounding and lasting positive change. Dr. Windham has worked with thousands of patients to stabilize and recover from chronic diseases and live healthier and more fulfilling lives.

Dr. Windham’s Appearances And Publications

Dr. Windham is currently working on a book detailing her holistic and integrative approach to the treatment of autoimmune disease.
Coming home to continue pursuing my dreams was a hard and easy decision to make. I started out with wound care as a way to get familiar with the community and figure out where to start. This is an article about my impact doing what I called “Integrative Wound Care”.
Dr. Windham contributed the second chapter dedicated to autoimmune disease, focusing on Multiple Sclerosis and Lupus. This is a non-profit venture, I do not benefit monetarily from sales of this book. You can find out more about the book and order it at:
2014, regarding the use of Low Dose Naltrexone in my practice:
Speaker at LDN Research Trust 2013 Conference discussing allergies and autoimmune disease with patient case study presentations. Full video available at this link:
Treatment of Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue, and Lyme Disease, interviewed on internet radio, February 2011
Natural Therapies for Diabetes and Diabetic Complications, Orange County Diabetic Association, February 2013

Cardiovascular Disease and Treatment with Chelation Therapy, interviewed on “Quantum Health” talk radio program broadcast on KVEC 92.0, May 2008

“Treating Cancer, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Naturally,” opening speaker for the 38th Annual Cancer Convention sponsored by the Cancer Control Society, August 2008. You can obtain the full video at this web site:

Neurofeedback Therapy and use in Integrative Approach to health care, guest speaker, Hyperbaric Oxygen and the Future of Healing 6th International Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, July 2008.
Guest speaker, Healthy Talk Radio, Interviewed regarding Autism and Integrative treatment practices, May 12th, 2008
“The Promise of EDTA Chelation Therapy”, July 2008, published in the journal Integrated Healthcare Practitioners

What Whole Human Life Means

Our new clinic is called Whole Human Life. It doesn’t have Dr Windham’s name in it because it’s not about her. It’s about all of us. We are working to spread a new approach to medical care around the country and we’re training others to do what we do. We don’t want to keep it to ourselves. We want us to all grow together. For we are all part of the same human family. We called it Whole Human Life to represent:

WHOLE: We are all delivered in a gloriously whole human form with the ability to repair, regenerate and replenish injuries and insults alike. What we usually lack is the knowledge of what is causing the imbalance or blockage that is leading to dis-ease in our human body. Once we discover and remove the cause, the disease improves or resolves, reverting back to wholeness. We take a whole body approach to health and healing, integrating in all the scientifically validated forms of treatment, which represents an expansion of treatment options to include the lastest research and developments in the field of medicine and well being.

HUMAN: We believe that we are gloriously human, not ‘only’ human, with capacities yet to be discovered. New medicine that looks to the future will harness the new science to optimize human health, longevity and repair & regenerative capabilities.

We are all part of the same human family. All are accepted. Our compassion for and desire to help our fellow humans extends to all. Expect to be treated like family, to be genuinely listened to, to be valued and accepted as you are, and to work with a health and wellness team to reach your health and life goals.

LIFE: We all want to live our best lives. We want the freedom to be who we are and to express the truth that resides within our spirits and is aching to get out and share itself with the world. But most of us are not living the lives we want. The reason for this can reside in the body, the mind or the energy system. But whatever the cause, life is waiting to express itself when blocks are cleared.

Anti-Aging, Regenerative, Healthy Longevity

One of the great things about today’s modern medical environment is all the research and science in the field of healthy aging. Many scientists and doctors in the field believe that we can and will live much healthier and longer lives by utilizing the newest technological advances to regenerate, repair, and maintain health. Since I want to live a healthy and long life, I want to help you do so also.

Autoimmune Disease

I nearly died of lupus at the beginning of my medical career, after fighting unknown medical problems all my life that were finally diagnosed as autoimmune in my mid thirties. I wasn’t ready to die and used my training and expertise to find answers and treatment options. I am now healthier than most people I know, no matter their age, and I use my experience and knowledge to help other people with autoimmune disease to overcome it. I look forward to working with you to help you achieve your best health possible, Dr. Deanna Windham